Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sweet Treats!

Shopping with two kids is anything but easy! I will do whatever I have to in order to make the shopping deal just a little easier! On this particular shopping trip our diversion...

Powdered Doughnuts! YuMmY!

It did the trick. The kids LOVED them and they were good the whole time I did my shopping! Of course they ate the whole bag of doughnuts, and they were covered in white powder, and people were looking at me like I was a crazy lady, but I got everything on my list and we didn't have one meltdown! I will definitely be using the doughnuts as bribery again!

I don't care that they are a mess, they are still so stinkin' cute!!
Look at that face!! He is in his own personal heaven!

1 comment:

Rob and Heather said...

Powered Doughnuts. yep my personal favorite too. So funny you take your camera with you to the grocery store... You must be a blogger or something.