Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What am I going to do with you?

Okay, so lately Cody is all about strippin' down to his nudey bum! He loves being a la natural! But this morning when we were getting ready to get in the tub, I told him to take his clothes off while I put Bo in the tub. I walked in and found him with his shirt on like this....

He got everything off, but he forgot to take his arms out before taking his shirt off, so he managed to get all tangle up in it! However, he thought it was really funny, and now he keeps doing it!! What am I going to do with this one?



I love it.

Now what's this about getting us some girl babies next time? You have to tell me!!!

Rob and Heather said...

Cody continues to learn so much from his dad. He is one smart cookie.